Tuesday, 9 October 2012

FCUK POTENTIAL -Mistakes women make ……Falling in love with potential!

One of the words I despise the most in the English dictionary is the word-potential,.....
i acutually dont despise it, it grates my soul, never allow anyone to  tell you that you have potential to be something better than you are now- and never build castles in the sky with a man or a women cause that word- anyway so bloody potential....
 I despise it because, it  fools women  into putting their hearts on the line for a maybe , a  probability… or a possibility..
Firstly I can’t imagine the pressure a guy feels, knowing that is girlfriend is looking forward to what he can become someday…
 Then secondly I just don’t get why women delude themselves sooooooooo…hang on for dear life, overcompensate…. by trying to work harder to help their men self actualize.....or
bett er yet …pushing them into things that they don’t want to do, to become the man they can be…and  then to top it off crying and screaming and mourning when they put so much in , just to find that the  potential didn’t  actualized to its fullest.....fcuk potential in all forms
  • Potential Relatiolnships
  • Potential friends
  • Potential happy endings
Seriously ladies, it’s like you’re buying a great heel or sole, in the promise that it MAY make a great shoe one day…
i say enough of that rubbish, can we just try and keep it real…plant our stilettos firmly in the ground and, work with the here and know and not the “what could be”
I see it too often, women who hang on cause he seems like he could:
·         Be a great husband one day,
·         Be a great father one day,or a successful man.
Can we please try and do the men out there a favour   and  date the boy we meet, instead of fall in love with the man he could one day be…

The ugly truth is that in essence you are indirectly telling your men that they aren’t good enough as you have met them, but you have faith in the fact that one day they will be… so in the interim, you will stick around and polish, tweek and fine tune them.
Then you are selling yourself short- if you need to settle for men with potential, then you dont have enough faith in yourself to go for exactly the guy you wan-full stop
We all know that people will only grow and be a success and or change , when they feel ready to do whatever it is they want to do.
let me not go into how that is not your place as the women in his life -(another day maybe)
Dont get me wrong-  by all means support the boy you fell in love with, walk with him on his path to greatness, but don’t for the life of Zeus bank on his potential.
His not some blunt object, that you need to change into a sharp killing career – husband-father ass kicking machine.
Your are not a magic time machine, your relationship is taking place now- so enjoy it…and take the pressure off your Mr. Now..
Your thoughts?