Friday, 3 June 2016


“I am your number one fan.”-misery

Have you ever thought about the work it takes to get over an ex, or a lost friend?

The actual mental, physical and spiritual warfare that we go through to no longer, care, text, make contact, and give two shifts?

To not feel sad, to not have fear, to not have guilt that things have not worked out?

The months dedicated to finding ourselves, on working through the pain, on rebuilding?

The mountain of magnitude of work we put into getting over the pain of losing love,?

seriously have you ever just sat and just thought about how MUCH work we put into letting go, to healing, and  to moving on?

I have and what just boggles my mind is;

Why we cannot do that exact same work with misery, it just seems easier to be like “hello darkness my old friend”

It’s easier to be sad than to be happy isn’t it.
 It’s easier to be angry then to forgive,
It’s easier to tell yourself you don’t actually give two fcuks and isolate yourself,
It’s also easier to belief the negative BS that you tell yourself.
Let’s admit it, misery is glorious.

 It’s that long term booty call situation - ship that you have going. It doesn’t need much work, it’s convenient, it’s satisfying, and it makes things less complicated.

“No thank you happiness, my pain pattern is comfortable and here I feel safe”

I know people aren’t just able to press reset buttons in their minds, this I am aware off,

 But I find it strange that when people find themselves too happy and too functioning they tend to do some or other stupid thing to conjure up all past pains,  or allow negativity to rule and plunge right back into misery completely derailing their inner peace, literally just throwing themselves out of whack.

How is it that you decide to close the door on a husband,  lover or friend but whenever misery decides to come calling, you’re cradling her with immediate effect? (addicted much?)

Why is that self-love, and your self-esteem and all the wonderful things you have going in your life doesn’t matter the moment misery decides to drunk dial you, or update you on how great she has been since you left her?

You see having an awareness of how we truly want to feel and the path we want to walk, is crucial.

And if you can tell your boss to stuff it, your boyfriend to get the hell out of your life, your fake friends to get a stepping then I truly belief misery should never be your keeper.
Don’t you? 

Just think about it
