Tuesday, 5 November 2013


Your intentions whether to cause harm, or not do not matter at all, your actions speak much louder in any event.

How often have you come across a situation where someone has said, or acted in a negative way towards you? basically defined in my terms   as “not having your best interest at heart”... only to use the ‘” intention excuse “ in the end of it all?

You then as most people would,approach and confron the culprit about their recent dodgy behaviour.. only for them to  sheepishly drop the biggest cop out line for the mileniums to come;  

it was never  my intention ...to alert , share your secret, to hurt, upset etc you”
well I call BS on intentions, cause they don’t  really matter, due to the fact that the actions have spoken louder in any event.

whether or not  a friend, lover or partner acts or does something intentionally is not important, unless more often than none their behaviour is of an offensive kind  and subsequently forms part of a body of evidence,
 that suggests that  they  do not have your  best interest at heart,  you can then  be assured that they do not have the integrity, conscientiousness and level of personal responsibility that could ever add up as part of any relationship, never mind a  healthy mutual one.
So to all of you out there that have been , the target of maliciousness or the collateral damage of an unavailable man..deception or betrayl of any kind  today's lesson\ and ugly truth is short but important  one,.

 A mutually beneficial relationship, is one based on care, respect and trust to mention a few

AND When All is said and done, its not about whether there intent was malicious or not , as the result of it will speak for  it selves, so intentions not matter, don’t waste your time, allowing them to become a valid excuses for dodgy behaviour.

Your Thoughts?