Friendship Relationship Wolves and Leading Your Pack.
Relationships have wolves in them, this is something that I
have come to learn in the hardest of ways.
These wolves are selfish, cause all they want is what is in
their best interest, and NOT so much what is in yours.
Wolves hidden in plain sight, gloriously feeding.
These wolves are smart and dangerous, but they are also
beautiful sirens that sing great songs of betrayal, love, deception and anger.
Relationships have wolves in sheep skin, people that pretend
to care about you, that pretend to love you, that stay close enough to you so
that one day; they will be able to hurt
Broken dark wolves that play to all your vulnerabilities and seek out those vulnerabilities in others so - that in the end of it all, they can rob you and those around you of self-esteem , love and dignity.
Relationships have wolves that feed on emotional blackmail,
wolves that refuse to allow you to rebuild trust and instead keep stoking your
fires of anger, jealousy and gossip and greed.
Relationships have wolves that lie, blatantly, in an attempt
to get you to continue to ensure that they are fed, fat and happy.
Relationships have passive aggressive wolves’ wolves that
encourage passive aggressive behaviours among you and your loved ones
You know that non-verbal aggression that manifests in
negative behaviour,
The one that instead
of urging you to go to your partner or friend or family member and openly express how
you feel, rather gets you to makes subtle, annoying gestures directed at them
in an attempt to be little them and ruin things around you.
Those hungry wolves that instead of urging you to say what’s
actually upsetting you, rather finds small and petty ways to take jabs at you until
they get you upset.
Relationships have wolves, good ones and bad ones, wolves bought to the party by us, by our family and by our friends.
SO anyway, the reason for my rant today is that there is an old old folk tale i came across and that I want to share with you its about an old Cherokee chief who was teaching his grandson about life...
its goes like this:
"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.
"One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.
"The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.
"This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"
The old chief simply replied, "The one you feed."
Brilliant story I know,
also very well know but wait...
hear me out,
also very well know but wait...
hear me out,
SO If there are two wolves inside all of us and we need to decide
which wolf not to feed in order to achieve inner peace and serenity.
Then this must mean that when we enter into a relationship with someone or build on friendships we also need to be careful of their wolves and witch
of them to we feed …..Right?
If I am sitting on a table with my friends or my partner,
are we then sitting in the presence of four wolves, or six wolves or twelve?
If that is the case then should we not be careful of other
people’s wolves too?
Never mind which one of our wolves we allow to play with theirs…?
Does that then mean that I need to make a point to feed my friends
or partners good wolves only in order for our relationship to win?
Or at least I think we need to ensure that the bad wolves don’t get to meet
or feed off of one another. nothing like to bad apples in a basket
bu rather to focus only on the ones in the pack that are seeking love, compassion and kindness and serenity, and strife to not feed the wolves of anger, jealousy, gossiping and greed?
bu rather to focus only on the ones in the pack that are seeking love, compassion and kindness and serenity, and strife to not feed the wolves of anger, jealousy, gossiping and greed?
My thoughts for today’s though scrambled are rather simple ,
1. Be mindful of your wolves and of others
2. Then if you agree that
a company of two can potentially mean a wolf pack of four, or a drinks and dinner with three can potentially mean a wolf pack of six
then keep peoples wolves in mind
and chose to not feed the bad ones or even allow them to hunt in your friendships circles or relationships.
You have a choice as to which one you chose to feed.
Stiletto Rambler