Thursday, 15 March 2012

You Are Just NOT "thatThat in to....YOURSELF

"Love your self without condition-unconditionally!!!!!!! every time, all the time and no matter what!"-stilletomantra

Here's the deal, or more directly my issue with us ,as people, we only have about 90 years on this earth if we are blessed, yet almost everyday we put our self - health second.

Many of us would like to believe that we love ourselves , this on the basis that we consider ourselves respected by our peers, friends and loved ones, we are good at our jobs, intelligent  and or attractive ,but those are all just superficial barometers, for me you can tell how a person feels about themselves by the people they date, associate with and the situations in witch they find themselves in.

And many of us i am afraid to say have NO self love what so ever, never mind respect for themselves - you now what i mean - self love :


believing that your living breathing ass is worthwhile! GOOD ENOUGH....

We spend countless valuable hours looking for confirmation that we are worthy of love, respect and decent treatment simply because deeply WE don't believe that we are-t----he stupidity goes further get this,....we fight with others to feel what we don't! think about that one ---we fight fully bull headily we others to feel something that we don't -  i am sure you have seen it heard ... "you will not speak to me that way! " yet we talk to ourselves that way " i don't think i can do this, i don't think i deserve a better relationship,  i don't think i am worthy of him'"

Well i think its time you call the bullsh!t on your self, do us all a favour ,pull the brakes on demeaning yourself get a freaking clue of your value and start to love yourself, no one can do it for you hence the word SELF- love- SELF- esteem , SELF- truth.

  • No............ your not my mother or father - i decide whats good enough for me, thank you kindly for your opinion on my attitude, social life, friends i can promise you its heard but not at all considered, only I can make those decisions for myself.
  • Calling me up at 12pm in the evening for a quick rumble in the jungle is love for your selfish self and not for me! so thanks BUT hell no..
  • Only seeing me when it suits you , is not on either
  • Keeping your wife and wanting  to have me too- honey..............Hit the road , go find a glue and i will say a prayer for your wife to love herself more too.
  • Not treating me as in equal in our relationship - makes me a co -pilot of my life and not the driver - so bugger off, unless this is a mutually  fulfilling relationship your waisting my time.
  • I am entitled to the that raise,
  • I can  buy myself those shoes.
  • I will go socialise with my friends ...yes again
  • I don't have to be with  you, if it doesn't serve my self- health , my life will not end cause you decided to leave,
  • You don't have to regulate what time i came in last night- have a clock for that thanks.
  • You must be smoking something if your trying insinuate that every hour of the day needs to be dedicated to you and your needs and your wants.
  • I am sorry you don't have love for yourself and therefore i need to eject myself out of this situation cause i simply don't have the time to be your mother , shrink ,  OR  punching bag. I AM NOT YOUR MOTHER, TAKE YOUR ISSUES WITH YOURSELF ELSE WHERE.
  •  Your lack of trust is not my issue it yours-
  • Your insecurity issues  (aka - Jealously, or better yet - the reason i am being such a douche bag is cause i just love you SO much and i don't  want anyone else to steal you from me or occupy our time") SORRY firstly that is complete BS , there is the door please leave the keys and don't let it hit you on the way out.
  • I can wear what i like-
  • My body is a temple- hit my once.... shame on me.... , hit my twice good luck to you....
Our "self's" are they only ones that we have, our journeys in life may have taught us negative self believes but I challenge you  as off today , with  every aspect of your life  honour you , value you  and fight for your SELF.

No one on this earth will give you what you deserve ....

Your Thoughts?


  1. Though I do agree (for the most part, not all) with you, I must say, you sound very angry at everyone. It's good to be able to rant and rave and I applaud you for that, as not everyone has the courage to do so, but I hope that there are some things, people, relationships in your life that do truly bring you some kind of joy. I love the video, by the way.
    What a wonderful affirmation to the strength of the human spirit to achieve great things despite the negative influences around them.

  2. Anger, they say is an emotion that is to rarely subdued, we can smile, laugh and dance, but scream , shout and swear are frowned apon.

    this is my tribute to screaming, swearing and shouting.

    thank you for your comments, keep tunning in.

