If you know better, you are almost obligated to do better step at a time, one behaviour change at a time-stilettomantra.
I am all for educating the self (reading), improving the self ( tackling those things about yourself that you could improve on), standing up for yourself ( Knowing your boundaries, living your boundaries and Fluffing the rest), up there too is loving yourself ( your need to be "that" into yourself... full stop )
I also generally believe that people are perfection in function and in form, but due to factors out of our own controll , our nature and our nurture we are not necessary the best versions of ourselves.
That is why it is important to practise patience, allow people to make mistakes, share a pearl of wisdom where you can , and support those whom are in repair , witch if you ask me its almost everybody.
But nothing eerks me more than when people have learnt there lessons or ( in my words "know better") but do absolute JACK - to do better...
you know what i mean:
- Continually lying to yourself ,then Wondering where you went wrong....
- Cutting trees for houses and then wanting to change global warming into a phenomena
- Picking the same versions of different @$$holes and Biatches to date , and still wondering why you will never find the right mutually fulfilling relationship.
- Jumping into rebound relationships with all your baggage, then instead of trying to heal your wounds, YOU use the person as a heat break hotel, and then when you are strong enough to leave land up with a needy person making your life hell....and then you wonder why?!?!? you always land up in these situations.
- Accepting second citizen behaviour,
- Allowing people to use you as a punching bag.
Its quite simple, we are all in progress i get that ,but for Pete's sake, enough is enough stand up for yourself if you have been pushed down too often, break the cycle of rebound relationships, and using people, recognise if someone is stepping on your boundaries, challenge yourself to be real to yourself.
Do better ! if you know better! .
your thoughts?