Thursday, 12 April 2012

The Diamond  Draped Mistress…the Other Women…

"You are not an option"
 I have come upon some scandalous stories\situations in my journeys so much so,  that I have nick named myself the “ volt”  this morning I was greeted by a popular song that got me thinking…. , you may very well know  the song “ Me and Mrs. Jones ,we got a thing going on ..”
Granted in that situation the man was the “other” but you’re getting where I am going ….
being the other women…
We all know it well, personally or vicariously through a close girlfriend …the destructive, decadent, impossible, inevitable affair with a committed man, the thrill, the addiction, the gifts, the lingerie...The best of both worlds his wife\girlfriend does the chores\emotional maintenance , you get the fun!
The ups and the downs….. Vowing to end the damage you’re inflicting on your life, his life, her life.... But then the moment he pulls you into bed your good intentions would fall away as quickly as your clothes. …The highs of loving someone you can never see enough off…
It happens all the time, you stand back at parties and let them be, he takes her home eventually, and knocks on your door, better yet your friends or “close” enough with her to remain under the radar…
For whatever reasons you choose to play that role in someone’s life, or put someone in that position is- your business, but  I would just like to highlight something’s, and take note:
Good people sometimes do bad things and doing a bad thing doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, it’s something you have done or did- not someone you are.
·         When you are the other women you are an escape from reality, a break, a vacation – and as we all know no one vacations for years on end.
·         You are being lied to and you are allowing it.-trust me the reasons are universal
“I am “staying cause of the kids” my wife\girlfriend won’t survive without me” “we are no longer engaging with each other” she doesn’t understand me anymore- do yourself a favour bull the BS card, on him and yourself and leave while you still can.
·         He will never leave, come hell or high water, flying pots and pans, deep depressions, I repeat he will never leave……………………matter of fact he may even pull of the ultimate deal, get another baby with the person who doesn’t understand him anymore, or  who whom he no longer sleeps with,  ( keep you as a friend and confidant cause you know- “you get him”) and still live in his picket fence.
·          You are being manipulated, how else can  he manage the situation, his working on your nurturing nature, playing with your ego, pouncing on those self esteem gaps and manipulating you.
·         Affairs only end when you get caught- save yourself the shame and the giant scarlet A on your chest
·         You deserve better, you can do better, you are worthy, you do matter - pull out that tiger purrrrrrrrr his ass off to the sidewalk…growl if its needed.
·         It’s not about you, it’s about him , your just a tool to his ego a means to an end.
·         He doesn’t love you, loving someone does not involve mistreating them- case closed.
·         You’re making someone a priority that is making you an option – YOU ARE NOT AN OPTION…

Lastly, if you are there, than there are others…you are not abounding him by leaving, you are empowering yourself, there are other healthy well rounded princes’s out there ditch the frog,
and remember:
Good people sometimes do bad things and doing a bad thing doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, it’s something you have done or did not -someone you are.
You know better, now do better.
Your thoughts?

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