Monday, 30 April 2012


Oxytocin- is the hormone that gets released during childbirth…sex… kissing and exercise among other things , it is known as the  “love drug” and I am convinced that we are all completely addicted to it, you, me and freaking Dupree.
One of my favouite songs is from the sound track of the movie “ The First wives club” and it is centred on independence in a relationship, it goes something like this:
 “You don’t own me…… don’t try to change me in any way….and don’t tell me what to do, and don’t tell me what to say, Just let me be myself….. Don’t put me on display.
I am young and I love to be young, I am free and I love to be free, to live my life the way that I want… to say and do whatever I want…
 It’s a very catchy phrase, and it’s something that I hum often, it goes right there with my opinion that everyone is their own person and that we need to learn to live and let live…
This weekend got me thinking about relationships…? That thing that people engage in, and commit to  as well as compromise for, get broken down in, live happily ever after in and get to use to change their statuses on facebooK.
I then dwelled a little further on the nature of relationships and how they seem so unnatural, we are apparently born individuals but we then spend our lifetimes trying to become part of a unit, or eventually coupled up …
Once we get to change our statuses on faceboo..k and everyone congratulates us and likes and what nots . we then spend the following  months and years, teaching these people how to treat us, sharing our values with them,  our views on life, dreams for the future, houses we would like, music we have acquired, we share our time , space and head space with them whole heartedly,  and then the magic happens we then start fighting for our right as an equal in that outfit, our need to be  respected, our need to be loved properly  and mutually. We make up, break up, marry, divorce , cheat , hurt , steal, lie, did I mention sacrifice… and for what??!!!
Something we saw on a movie?
Maybe a stories we were read when we were little?
NO NO NO No not at all …..
Countless of hours later malling it over in my head and sleep , I realized that all the trouble we put ourselves through boils down to this one fact:
 we are all oxytocin addicts……nothing more than pathetic addicts running around for our next fix  harsh you say ok, but think about this
·         We get dressed and comb our hair to attract oxytocin,
·         We put on lipstick and make -up to attract oxytocin.
·         We allow ourselves to be controlled , rented -treated like someone else’s VRC and cell phone for that ohhhhhh so good feeling- that intense high -that euphoria …
·         We neglect friendships, - Oxytocin
·         We go as far as trying to fix our partners, to ensure that they give us that hit just exactly the way we like it, and when we don’t get it, we run around on a mission to find our next supplier or dealer if you will.
·         We say what we need to say to get a fix, do what we need too , even if it is shady.
·         We force each other to get married- cause we are chasing the oxytocin  -that comes with that white dress.
·         Breast feed longer- for that hit.
·         Hustle to make money to buy some more products to provide us with --- you guessed it- OXYTOCIN

It frightens me that all our motives are governed by this addiction, and unlike other drugs this one is potentially lethal (i.e Romeo and Juliet) ,

Just a thought ...
Your ?

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