Saturday, 11 August 2012

Hells to the EEFING NO- I AM OUT….Deal Breakers…


I often listen to what monstroseties people deal with, or go through to either keep a relationship, acquire one or stay in one…and it often makes me wonder if they have, or know what their deal breakers are?
Deal breakers for those of us living under a rock are actions, behaviours or words that have only one consequence… burning the bridges… cutting them lose and they result in OH HELLS TO THE EFFING NO's
Deal breakers are the least shallow tools you can add to your life of skills, this tool doesn’t care how attractive you are,
or how great the sex is, they couldn’t care less about your pocket or the terms of a relationship
, they also don’t care about the status of a relationship…they are code reds set up that result in the ending of a relationship, and they should be put in place to make sure you sieve out frogs from the princes .
Accommodating any unhealthy behavior due to the fear of shame or humiliation,  of the fear of lonelines ,is just not worth it..Now we all know the obvious deal beakers such as....
Things like:
·         Like women who wear to much make up- men have always told me natural is better.
·         Or men bring up there “mad skills in bed”
·         Or having too many piercings on your face.
·         Smoking
·         Lying
·         Drinking
·         Swearing
·         Drug abuse
·         Or that overly orange tan-ladies
Me:you know the obvious things that make it a HELL NO.... what...? what sthat? those are not deal breakers for you ?
Me: Then please tell me what are?
Them: I dont know....things like beating i guess
That response always  leaves me wondering if men and women don’t even have mild deal breakers….how can they even entre into relations…
If you aren’t even mildly armed with boundaries and Effing No’s  
how in this world will you find the patner your looking for..nevermind a healthy relationship……
Your Thoughts?

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